Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Which Way Did It Go?

Grammie and Gramps were over this weekend. It was so nice outside that Gramps and I went out to buy a chainsaw and cut down the dead tree. You can probably see from the hollow core that the tree has been dead for a while. Certainly longer than we've known the property. It was hung up on another tree, tangled in the branches and giving it a bad bark-burn. It was a weird one though, tricky to guess which way it would fall or how it would react to being cut. We started by notching out one side, then cutting through the back. Very business like. We soon resorted to throwing heavy objects at it, ropes, levers, etc. Our somewhat unconventional methods paid off in the end though, as we got it to fall away from the house, causing no more damage to the poor tree it was leaning against. Then we chopped it up right good. Too bad we don't have a more action filled photo, but the girls were out at the shops, and we were too engrossed in our work to think about it. Next time.


Undercover Angel said...

Thank goodness you were able to get it to fall away from the house. That would have been all you needed with trying to get the shop ready for May...

ron st.amant said...

oh see...why do you do all the FUN stuff when I'm not around. no, you guys are always wanting to BUILD stuff which I can't do...but I can DESTROY stuff like nobody's business...especially trees...oh please tell me there was a Woodstock hippy chained the tree?? please?? pretty please???

you guys are no fun....except when I'm not there...I bet you had beer too didn't ya...huh...
