Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sugar High

This week being March Break, we thought we'd take a day to spend with the kids away from the house. We went to a sugar bush north of Kingston, where we got to ride in a covered wagon.
The kids had fun running around and looking for sap in the buckets.We went on a short tour detailing the history of sap collecting and syrup making. Quinn of course had more to say than the poor tour guide. Leah was kind of more interested in her toys than anything else, and her little monkey took more 'pictures' than anyone there. It was quite warm, and the kids played a bit of king of the mountain while we waited for the wagons to take us back to the outdoor center.We went for a short walk through the woods. Quinn kept very close to us, trying to avoid being snatched away by wolves. I'll personally share half the blame for that one, along with his extra vivid imagination. When we first got there Leah said she'd like to see a cardinal, because she's never seen one before. Low and behold, just as we were leaving, there it was, lurking around the feeder. We have lots of birds in our own backyard, blue jays, blackbirds, sparrows, 4 different species of woodpeckers (so far), etc, etc. but so far this is the first cardinal we've seen. Thanks Leah!


Undercover Angel said...

It sounds like you guys and the kids had a fantastic time! We do have cardinals around here, but they just don't turn up as often as other birds. I might see 50 or more blue jays in a year, but generally I only see 1 or maybe 2 cardinals at the most...

ron st.amant said...

ahh...the Cardinal...the state bird of Virginia...*sniff* I miss being back home in the Spring...

ron st.amant said...

oh and I'll make sure Auntie Shelley sees the lovely pictures of that little monkey...that will make her day.